
日前客人訂了6組PSS-5,包含了Master Key系統, 在與日本極力交涉, 日本的夥伴也很幫忙, 在客人希望的交期之內交貨, 今天國際快遞送達, 還熱呼呼的, 便馬上交貨給客人!

由於我們很注重產品的安全性, mater key與門鎖不同時間寄送, 稍稍晚個幾天再交到客人手上, 也讓客人無須擔心安全性的問題!

這位客人是想安裝在靠海邊的一棟建築的平拉門上, 海邊的海風具有鹽分, 安裝一般的門鎖會有問題, GOAL PSS系列門鎖為不銹鋼材質, 可確保門鎖的穩定使用性!

The customer ordered 6 sets of GOAL PSS-5 Sliding door locks with master key system, appreciate for my partner in Japan, the lead time is on time, as soon as I got them, I forwarded these products to my customer right away.

We most care about the security of the product, the master key and door locks is sent respectively, to ensure the product safety for our customer.

This PSS-5 will be installed on sliding doors in a villa at the beach side, the wind will contain salt and it will affect to the door lock if installed a ordinary lock. PSS-5 material is SUS 304 stainless steel, it can suffer the salt water and keep the steady durability.

安裝距離: 38mm

鎖心種類: 6 pin, 7 pin, V-18, GV, GP

適用門厚度: 33-43mm (標準規格), 大於43mm為特殊規格訂製

安全裝置: 此裝置能提醒使用者是否完全把門關上, 安全栓若無碰觸到門框, 則無法上鎖

Model: PSS-5, Sliding Door Locks

Cylinder: 6 pin, 7 pin, V-18, GV, GP

Backset: 38 mm

Door Thickness: 33-43mm as standard, special order for more than 43mm thickness.

Saftey trigger device- unabel to lock the door if the trigger does not touch the door frame.






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