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一位經營租屋及學生宿舍的管理者, 也是我的客人, 在我的建議下, 使用GOAL mastery key 系統, 由於此案為多人共用一個主要出入口(大門), 所以, 為這位客人設計的逆向master key系統在這個案子內, 房客只要用自己的房門鑰匙,便可開自己的房門及大門, 不須用兩支鑰匙開兩個門, 便利房客,也讓管理者只用一支鑰匙管理所有門鎖.

A rental housing and hostels manager, also is my custormer, she took my advice to use GOAL mater key system for her new site. There are more guests/tenants to use a main entrance, I also put a reverse master key system(RMK) into this project, which means guests/tenants just use ONE key to open their own room and entrance, they do not need to carry 2 keys to open the room door and entrance. This is very conveient for tenants, a easy security management for my customer as well.


Model: P-US-5B

GOAL Cylindrical Knob Lock: US-5B  

安裝距離: 60mm 或 70mm

門厚度: 30mm-45mm

鑰匙: 3支,白銅材質, 不易磨損

鎖心: 6 珠,全銅鎖心

門鎖材質: SUS304不鏽鋼

門鎖為UL 防火認證

Backset: 60mm or 70mm

Door Thickness: 30mm-45mm

Key: 03 keys Nickel Silver material

Cylinder: 6 pin, brass

Lock material: SUS 304 

Latch: UL listed




Model: P-ANT-5 Night Latch 防盜型輔助鎖, 一關門即上鎖


安裝距離: 70mm

門厚度: 35mm-50mm

鑰匙: 3支,白銅材質, 不易磨損

鎖心: 6 珠,全銅鎖心

門鎖材質: SUS304不鏽鋼

Backset: 70mm

Door Thickness: 35mm-50mm

Key: 03 keys Nickel Silver material

Cylinder: 6 pin, brass

Lock material: SUS 304 



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美國的客人訂了500組的美規三級輔助鎖(方形), 數量: 500 組, 準備出口!

500 pcs of ANSI Grade 3 deadbolt Lock(square shape) is now ready to U.S.A.





型號: DA2

安裝距離: 60-70mm, 可調整

門厚度: 35-45mm

鑰匙: 3支

鎖體保固: 25年

ANSI Grade 3 Deadbolt Lock

Model: DA2

Backset: 60-70mm adjustable

Door Thikcness: 35-45mm

Key: 03

25 year machenical warranty


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日前客人訂了6組PSS-5,包含了Master Key系統, 在與日本極力交涉, 日本的夥伴也很幫忙, 在客人希望的交期之內交貨, 今天國際快遞送達, 還熱呼呼的, 便馬上交貨給客人!

由於我們很注重產品的安全性, mater key與門鎖不同時間寄送, 稍稍晚個幾天再交到客人手上, 也讓客人無須擔心安全性的問題!

這位客人是想安裝在靠海邊的一棟建築的平拉門上, 海邊的海風具有鹽分, 安裝一般的門鎖會有問題, GOAL PSS系列門鎖為不銹鋼材質, 可確保門鎖的穩定使用性!

The customer ordered 6 sets of GOAL PSS-5 Sliding door locks with master key system, appreciate for my partner in Japan, the lead time is on time, as soon as I got them, I forwarded these products to my customer right away.

We most care about the security of the product, the master key and door locks is sent respectively, to ensure the product safety for our customer.

This PSS-5 will be installed on sliding doors in a villa at the beach side, the wind will contain salt and it will affect to the door lock if installed a ordinary lock. PSS-5 material is SUS 304 stainless steel, it can suffer the salt water and keep the steady durability.

安裝距離: 38mm

鎖心種類: 6 pin, 7 pin, V-18, GV, GP

適用門厚度: 33-43mm (標準規格), 大於43mm為特殊規格訂製

安全裝置: 此裝置能提醒使用者是否完全把門關上, 安全栓若無碰觸到門框, 則無法上鎖

Model: PSS-5, Sliding Door Locks

Cylinder: 6 pin, 7 pin, V-18, GV, GP

Backset: 38 mm

Door Thickness: 33-43mm as standard, special order for more than 43mm thickness.

Saftey trigger device- unabel to lock the door if the trigger does not touch the door frame.






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一早接到電話, 客人詢問GOAL 喇叭鎖, 基於時間急迫, 客人還是擔心郵局限掛無法在指定時間到達,我便用郵局快捷寄給他, 運費也無須客人擔心, 讓客人安心, 也順利成交了!

型號: ULW-5E

距離: 60mm

門厚度: 27-37mm

鑰匙: 3支

材質: SUS304不鏽剛



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原本為這棟房子建商用的門鎖, 這間房子才5年, 門把已不堪使用, 把手下垂, 強烈建議做更換, 避免門關上後無法開啟.選購門鎖時請務必考慮到品質, 因為一分錢一分貨

手把下垂的原因有兩種:1.外力破壞 2. 品質不良, 彈簧的品質不好, 以致彈性疲乏的時間縮短

The buildng contractor used low quality lever lock. The lever sag, strongly recommend to replace it. This lever sag is happend in only 5 year old house.


這是原本安裝於門上的日式門鎖 Before



安裝本公司的美規三級水平鎖後, 感覺更有質感美觀 After, isn't it more beautiful?


型號: GL-4N-11S


安裝距離: 60mm-70mm 可調整

門厚度: 35mm-45mm

功能:廁所,通道用, 房門用

顏色: 不鏽鋼磨砂, 金色

保固: 正常使用下表面處理5年,鎖體結構10年


Model: GL-4N-11S


ANSI Grade 3 Lever Lock 

Backest: 60mm-70mm adjustable

Door Thickness: 35mm-45mm

Function: Privacy, Passage, Entry

Finish: US32D Satin Stainless Steel, US3 Bright Brass

Warranty: Under normal useage condition, 5 year finish, 10 year mechenical 

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昨晚,對我國外的客人做產品的update, 由於基於個人隱私, 我把客人的email address全部放在密件副本, 今天早上我收到了一封Email, 內容是這樣寫的:

I was one of the undisclosed recipients also.

我看到他的回覆, 哇!這個人好有趣, 居然很在意有人把他放到密件副本的名單中, 我之前發給他的email他鳥都不鳥我, 唯獨這一封他回了!


Hi Daniel

看到你回覆我非常開心, 我相信你一定是個很有趣的人, 也一定對我的產品有興趣, 所以在之前寄給你的email, 我沒有收到你任何回覆, 唯獨你看到這封email時你回覆了我!

本來我有項新產品要在公開的方式下發佈, 現在這個附件裡,你將會是第一個人看到我發表的新產品,你是獨家 ( exclusively)

從現在開始, 我不會再把你放在密件副本的名單裡了, 因為我知道, 我們很快的就會一起合作!

當我把email發出去後, 我知道他會再回我, 果然, 他回覆了我, 開始做更深層的業務溝通

以前在旅行社工作時, 我的老大告訴我, Email溝通是心理學戰, 對方看不到你的人,你的表情, 只能從文字中感覺到你, 訂單的成交與否, 就看你的文筆!我始終記得這句話, 所以, 我要感謝妳, Emma, 沒有妳這句話, 我找不到從別人的email字裡行間的樂趣,看出對方的反應及表情,也就不會造就我目前生意的契機了!


I was doing product update news to my customers via email, I put all of my customers' emails into undisclosed receipients list due to the privacy. One of my customers replied to me: I was one of the undisclosed recipients also.

I replied to him as follow:

I am so happy to see your reply! 


I believe that you must be a interesting person and you must be interested in my products, that's why you replied this email to me after I sent you several emails without response previously.  


I would like to send you another product as attachment. I suppose to present this new product in public, but now you are the first one to see it, it is exclusively to you!


This is the same specification for previous one that I sent to you.


I will not put you in undisclosed recipient list anymore as I believe we will cooperate very soon. 


When I was working in Travel industry, my boss told me that email communication is a pyschological game, he is unable to see your face and reaction directly, but from emails. The business sucess or not is subject to your written words. I want to thank you, Emma, without those words you said to me, I will not be able to reach this stage to do my own business.


最新產品, 造型十足的輔助鎖 The latest product-stylish deadbolt lock



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有位客人在網路上看到我的部落格, 看到我有銷售GOAL水平鎖, 似乎找到救星般, 電話一接起來

客人: 請問您是賣GOAL鎖嗎?

我: 是啊! 有什麼需要為您服務的嗎?

客人: 我想換新的鎖, 就是你網路上Po的那組

我心裡OS: 我網路上PO很多組鎖耶!

我知道這個客人能找到我太高興了, 好像找到他的救星般, 我接到這樣電話的客人,通常都是找他要的鎖找到快發瘋才會有這樣的語氣

他不斷的在描述他家要換的鎖, 我等他說完, 不急不徐的問他以下三個問題,這也是我判定客人需要哪一種鎖的重要訊息

1. 門鎖側面有個不鏽鋼面板,上面有型號

2. 裝置距離: 鎖心中心點到門側邊的距離. 日規鎖的裝置距離通常為: 38mm, 51mm, 64mm, 76mm 及100mm

3, 門板厚度


有以上這些訊息,我便可判定是哪種型號的門鎖, 請各位客人找到我別太興奮喔, 慢慢說!



型號: LX-5NU






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2012年一月份這位業主選擇使用GOAL門鎖, 當時在安裝後實地去檢查木工安裝後的所有門鎖, 門鎖的安裝正確與否關係著使用者對產品的認可與信任度,業主既然選擇使用我的產品,我還是必須再次確認木工的門鎖安裝無誤.時間過得很快,一年過去了,趁著過年假期, 專程再跑一次墾丁,看看門鎖是否有任何問題.



安裝於大門的門鎖,型號:LX-5ORIU. 內外側加了門飾板,視覺上更為美觀!



型號: USL-4TN,浴廁用門鎖














也順便幫業主宣傳一下她的民宿!! 絕佳海景,絕佳度假環境!!






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